Revisiting a Recent Makeover

When a Client’s Growth Leads to MORE Exciting Change for the Office

In late 2022, I got the keys to the office of one of my favorite local businesses to sneak in over a few weekends to makeover their entire office. I hired Standby Brothers Painting to come in ahead of time to paint the entire office to neutralize the walls. On our first day of installation, the team from Rycus Flooring came in to install the modular carpet we selected for the whole suite as well. Sedore Services hauled away the old furnitures, and my assistant and I went to work assembling everything you’ll see in the gallery below. We completed it just after the first of the year in 2023.

It was a surprise and a delight when this client called me almost a year to the day after installation began to let me know that they had hired a new person and needed to accommodate a new work station. There was really only one room that could hold another work station but that would require getting rid of the same massive reception desk we had so painstakingly relocated from the other end of the building last year. But I was honestly relieved because that was one of the few pieces that remained from their original decor and I felt that, though perfectly functional, it wasn’t fully in line with the style of the space once we got everything else cohesive. So, I went right to work looking for two work stations that would take the place of the L-shaped reception area, allowing more thoughtful use of the large entrance to the suite.

There are a few small tweaks outstanding as I await the final touches for the revised waiting area, but these new desks give this office makeover the look it deserves from the moment clients walk in. The space feels so much bigger even with the second desk and I am as pleased as they are with the outcome.

If you’d like to shop items inspired by this makeover, check out this list.


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